On this episode we’re joined by Chatwan Mongkol.

Chatwan is the editor and reporter for The Nutgraf, a newsletter that covers student journalism. He’s also a graduate student at The New School going for his masters degree in Media Management. Chatwan is a 2022 grad of Quinnipiac University.

You can find the newsletter at nutgrafnews.substack.com or bit.ly/thenutgraf

Chatwan talked about his journalism path (he was born in Bangkok, Thailand), his brief career as a newspaper reporter, and the types of stories in the newsletter. He also spoke about a certificate program for journalism entrepreneurs at CUNY-Newmark School that he’s participating in.

Newsletter examples

Student journalists in states where DE&I offices are being eliminated

Students covering school shootings

Lesser-known student newspapers that made an impact

Chatwan’s salutes: College newspapers at Quinnipiac, Michigan State, and Michigan

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